Saturday, March 2, 2013

Trying something new. . . every month

Okay so my "thing" for this year is going to be trying something new or learning something new every month. I am not talking about the whole, "You learn something new everyday." I am talking actually going out of my way to learn or do something. Since I got a late start with this I didn't really get to anything in February so I am going to use making my own stromboli. I have assisted in the process before but I've never actually taken it on my own to make one, so I just did it. Granted I did not make my own dough, but it's still a stromboli. I also did not get to take pictures, which is probably good since it did not look as good as it tasted. I have some minor things that I want to tweak but all in all it was one of our favorite dinners.

Also I threw together some "leftover" items I had after making broccoli, chicken and cheese bites in to the mixer and made a pretty delicious dip! I threw in some thawed frozen broccoli, some pre cooked chicken, a bar of cream cheese and some shredded mexican cheese. Mixed it all up in my beautiful kitchen aid, spread it in a square glass pan, threw it in the oven for a couple minutes and voila! It was great, next I am going to try using it to make little appetizer bites, I will let you know how that turns out.

As for March I have many things that I would like to try/learn but I don't want to get your hopes up or jinx myself so I will leave you in suspense ;)


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