Every year Christmas seems to sneak up on some of us. Guilty! Thankfully I prepare for Christmas gradually throughout the year, how you ask? A little bit at a time. The first "side hustle" I'm going to introduce you to today is one that I simply use as my Christmas fund.

You Can Get Free Gift Cards For Shopping, Searching and Discovering What's Online at Swagbucks.com
If you haven't heard of this site, I definitely recommend you give it a whirl. It's going to be a little slow going at the beginning but stick with it, it's worth it. What happens is that you earn swagbucks for doing different things, each swagbuck is equal to $.01. You then use redeem the swagbucks for gift cards or a paypal deposit. I have been using this site for a little over 5 years and have made over $515 (to be fair I only earned $33 the first year because I didn't really stick with it or figure out what I was doing) Now there are certainly ways to earn way more then what I've earned on Swagbucks and I've heard of many people who do easily.
Let me go through a couple easy ways to earn Swagbucks
1. Coupons - If you print your regular grocery coupons through swagbucks, you earn 10 swagbucks for each coupon that you redeem. Don't worry it's the same coupons that you can print on coupons.com so they are all good coupons! For me this is kind of a double dip, not only am I saving money on the product I'm buying but I'm also earning $.10 for each coupon!
2. Daily Poll - This one is quite possibly the easiest! You get 1 swagbuck every day for answering a simple multiple choice question. I know it doesn't seem like a lot but it takes a minute and adds up to $3.65 a year. They even put a link to the daily poll on the left hand side of your home page under the to do list, if it's already done for the day it grey's it out. Pretty simple right?
3. Daily Offers (NOSO) - This one is a little more in-depth but still easy, go through and click no to all of the offers, enter the capta at the end and boom you get 2 swagbucks. $7.30 a year.
4. Daily Goals - Everyday swagbucks sets 2 daily goals for you, the first one is normally around 30 swagbucks and the reward is 3 swagbucks, the second goal is 110 swagbucks and the rewards is 11 swagbucks. Please note this is what they start at, they will change. You can collect the rewards at the beginning of the next month.
5. Shop & Earn - I've just started using the shop and earn portion because I'm not real big in to the online shopping. However if you are Swagbucks makes it super simple for you! A box will pop up at the top when you go to a website that is eligible, it will tell you how many swagbucks you will get back per dollar, all you have to do is accept the offer and go about your purchase as normal. The swagbucks will be credited to your account within 60 days. These are sites that you use all the time! Walmart, Charming Charlies, VistaPrint, Shutterfly, the list goes on and on!
6. Inbox - Every day there are offers sent to your swagbucks inbox. Some are great, some not so much. Recently there was an offer to purchase a product that cost $14.99 and they gave me back $15 in swagbucks. Sounds to good to be true right? It's not just make sure you read the fine print.
There are multiple other ways to earn swagbucks, they even have a Facebook page where other swagbucks users go to share offers, surveys, swagcodes, etc. My advice is to click around on the site and see all the possibilities. What you make depends on the effort you put it. For me it's an easy way for a stay at home mom to save up for Christmas.
Come back tomorrow and I'll show you more ways to make a little extra money!
Good Luck
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